Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Hughes, C., Bhandari, P., Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L., Sun, C., & Swindle, J. (2020). When Does Social Capital Matter for Migration? A Study of Networks, Brokers, and Migrants in Nepal. International Migration Review, 54(4), 964?991. 2020
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., O?brien, M. L., & Yao, X. (2017). Using Survey Data for Agent-Based Modeling: Design and Challenges in a Model of Armed Conflict and Population Change. In A. Grow and J. V. Bavel (Eds.), Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concep 2017
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., O?Brien, M. L., & Yao, X. (2021). How Armed Conflict Influences Migration. Population and Development Review, 47(3), 781?811. 2021
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., & Young-DeMarco, L. C. (2014). Migrant Values and Beliefs: How Are They Different and How Do They Change? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(5), 796?813. 2014
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L. C., & Moaddel, M. (2010). Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans. In?M. Kamrava and Z. Babar (Eds.), Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf (pp. 2010
Presentations Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L. (2011, January 20) . Migrants and Their Values: How are They Different and how do They Change? [Paper presentation]. INTEGRATION: Institutional and Life-Course Perspectives on Migration, University of Breme 2011
Presentations Williams, N., & Pradhan, M. S. (2008, October 16). Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal? [Paper presentation]. Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Madison, WI, United States. 2008
Other Publications Williams, N., & Pradhan, M. S. (2009). Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal? PSC Research Report No. 09-677. 2009
Presentations Williams, N., Ghimire, D. J., Moaddel, M., Thornton, A., & Young-DeMarco, L. (2010, January 10). Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans [Paper presentation]. Migrant Labor in the Gulf Meeting, Georgetown Un 2010
Presentations Williams, N., Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L. & Moaddel, M. (2011, March 31-April 2). Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans [Poster presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Associat 2011