February 6, 2018



    We are deeply shocked and saddened by sudden demise of our beloved Executive Officer, Mr. Krishna Ji Ghimire. We, ISER-N family members, offer our prayers and deepest condolences from the very bottom of our hearts. He was ver...

August 21, 2019


New Publication: Household migration and children’s diet in Nepal: an explo...

Introduction In recent years, the potential for agriculture to influence nutrition of infants and children in rural, low-income circumstances has received much attention [1]. The linkages between agriculture and nutrition have been broadly examined [...

September 1, 2018



We are pleased to announce Global Health Equity Scholars (GHES) Fellowships Program   The Global Health Equity Scholars (GHES) fellowship is 12-month mentored research fellowship sponsored by the Fogarty International Center (FIC) and sever...

August 21, 2019


New Publication: Perceptions of local environmental issues and the relevanc...

The direct and indirect impacts of global climate change entail serious consequences for global biophysical and social systems, including the health, well-being and sustainability of communities. These impacts are especially serious for vulnerable gr...

February 3, 2020


New Publication: Bio-mechanical risk factors for uterine prolapse among wom...

Objective: To investigate whether heavy load carrying, wearing a patuka, and body position at work are risk factors for uterine prolapse among Nepali women. Methods: Community-based case-control study of 448 women (170 cases of uterine prol...

October 17, 2019


New Publication: The Reliability and Stability of Measures about Individual...

This paper examines the reliability and stability of developmental idealism (DI) measures in Nepal. DI is a set of cultural schemas that contains beliefs and values favoring modern societies and families over traditional ones and that views modern fa...

July 28, 2021


New Publication: Social Change, Out-migration, and Exit from Farming in Nep...

Though international out-migration is widespread, little evidence exists regarding the consequences for economic change in sending countries, particularly in the densely populated agricultural areas of Asia. We examine associations between labor out-...

July 28, 2021


New Publication: Husbands’ migration: increased burden on or more autonomy...

Migration of men has important influences on reshaping family and gender roles in left-behind wives. However, it is unclear whether husbands’ out-migration increases the burden on or creates autonomy for left-behind wives. Using new data from N...

July 28, 2021


New publication: Perceived mental health, wellbeing and associated factors...

Background Poor mental health and illness among the working population have serious socioeconomic and public health consequences for both the individual and society/country. With a dramatic increase in work migration over the past decades, there is r...

August 27, 2023


New Publication: Pathways of association between husbands’ migration and me...

Abstract Background Labor migration practices among married men have brought changes in gender roles and expectations, creating both opportunities and barriers for their wives who stay behind. When husbands migrate, their wives can experience ma...