ISER-N advocates for the institutionalization of evidence based policy formulation for effective program planning and development of interventions at local, national, and international levels. To foster evidence based policy formulation, ISER-N launches a series of activities to archive and disseminate research data, foster informed analytical discourse, present research findings, and publish scientific articles and policy briefs. The dissemination of data and research findings include data display booths and paper and poster presentations in professional meetings. Also, ISER-N organizes meetings and workshops for feedbacks regarding empirical findings based policy formulation and also announces Policy Communication Fellowship annually to enhance the capacity of young researchers in identifying policy implications of the research findings in form of policy briefs.

Data archive and dissemination.Since inheriting the Chitwan Valley Family Study (CVFS), a demographic research project from the Population and Ecology Research Laboratory (PERL) in 2001, ISER-N has collected a wide range of data on population health (psychological and physical health), environment, population dynamics and family change, and education. Moreover, most of the data are available for students, teachers and scholars in Nepal and throughout the world. Read More

Presentations: To share new knowledge generated through high quality scientific research in academic and non-academic settings, scholars affiliated with ISER-N have presented research findings at various national and international seminars and conferences that include the International Conference on Himalayan Biodiversity (Kathmandu), National Seminar on Sustainable Use of Biological Resources (Pokhara), National Conference on Science and Technology (Kathmandu), First Nepal Population Conference (Kathmandu), Population Association of America annual meetings, American Sociological Association annual meetings, International Union for the Scientific Studies of Population (IUSSP) meetings, Rural Sociological Society annual meetings, and Social Research on Adolescents Biennial meetings, to mention a few. Read More

Publications: ISER-N shares new knowledge generated through research in academic and non-academic settings through various publication outlets that include reports to respondents, policy briefs, and research articles. Read More

Stakeholder Meetings and Workshop: ISER-N organizes stakeholder meetings before and after project periods with the primary goal of promoting stakeholder engagement and collaboration among potential consumers of evidence that the proposed study generates through rigorous scientific investigations. This collaboration is crucial for building a foundation for interdisciplinary research, education, and public policy. The meetings are organized to receive feedback on the proposed research questions, the research design, and the dissemination plan.

Policy Communication Fellowship at ISER-N: ISER-N, in collaboration with various universities and research organizations, hosts multiple fellowship and internship programs during which national and international fellows work at ISER-N for proposed research and publication in respective areas. ISER-N has already hosted one Post-Doctoral Fellow, Global Health Equity; three Fulbright Fellows; two international and three national Interns; and five Policy Communication Fellows.