Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Barber, J. S., Murphy, S. A., Axinn, W. G., & Maples, J. (2000). Discrete-Time Multilevel Hazard Analysis. Sociological Methodology, 30(1), 201?235. 2000
Journal Articles Stephen A. Matthews, Ganesh P. Shiv. (2000). Population Forces and Environmental Change: Observations from Western Chitwan, Nepal. Society & Natural Resources, 13(8), 763?775. 2000
Report to Respondent Respondent Report 2057 2000
Dissertation Gajurel, K. P. (2001). Organization of Agricultural Production and Human Fertility [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University. 2001
Presentations Yabiku, S. T. (2001, March 29-31). Non-family Experiences and Marriage in a Setting of Rapid Social Change [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., United States. 2001
Presentations Yabiku, S. T. (2001, March 29-31). Marriage Timing and Social Change in Nepal [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Washington D.C., United States. 2001
Presentations Ghimire, D. J., Axinn, W. G., & Thornton, A. (2001, March 29-31). Effects of Premarital Non-Family Experiences on Participation in Spouse Selection in an Arranged Marriage Society [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Ameri 2001
Presentations Dhital, P., Thomson, J. S., & Flanagan, C. A. (2001). Extended Household Education and Educational Participation of Primary School Age Children, Chitwan, Nepal [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Graduate Research Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State Universi 2001
Presentations Dhital, P., Thomson, J. S., & Flanagan, C. A. (2001, April 4-7). Extra-parental Education and Educational Participation of Primary School Age Children, Chitwan, Nepal [Paper presentation]. AIAEE conference, Baton Rouge, LA, United States. 2001
Presentations Ghimire, D. J., & Axinn, W. G. (2001, March 23-25). Premarital Independence and Spouse Choice in an Arranged Marriage Society [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., United States. 2001