Publication Type Publication Link Year
Other Publications Matthews, S. A. (1997). Methods to Incorporate Spatial and Temporal Effects in Research on the Interrelationships Between Population and Environment. In Shivakoti et al. (Eds.), Participation, People and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics 1997
Other Publications Richter, K. & Chhetri, N. (1997, March 17-21). Issues and Strategies for Understanding Population and Ecology Inter-linkages in Western Chitwa. [Conference session]. In Shivakoti et al. (eds.) People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understand 1997
Presentations Gajurel, K. & Matthews, S. (1998, April 2-4). The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Family Planning Service in Chitwan District, Nepal [Poster presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, United States. 1998
Presentations Gajurel, K. & Matthews, S. (1998, April 2-4). Family Planning Service Availability in Nepal: The Case of Chitwan District [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, United States. 1998
Report to Respondent Respondent Report 2055 1998
Annual Report Annual Report 1998 and 1999 1999
Presentations Gajurel, K. (1999). Women and Family Size Norm: Do Women\'s Participation in Non-formal Institutions Limit Desire for Children? [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New York, NY, United States. 1999
Presentations Barber, J. S. (1999, March 27-29). Ideational Influences on the Transition to Parenthood: Attitudes Toward Childbearing and Competing Alternatives [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, , New York, NY, United State 1999
Presentations Barber, J. S. (1999, August 6-10). Communities and Attitudes: The Influence of Nonfamily Institutions and Experiences on Dispositions Toward Marriage [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Associations, Chicago, IL, United Stat 1999
Presentations Axinn, W. G., & Barber, J. S. (1999, March 27-29). The Spread of Mass Education and Fertility Limitation [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY, United States. 1999