Publication Type Publication Link Year
Other Publications Williams, N., & Pradhan, M. S. (2009). Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal? PSC Research Report No. 09-677. 2009
Presentations Williams, N., & Pradhan, M. S. (2008, October 16). Political Conflict and Migration: How Has Violence and Political Instability Affected Migration Patterns in Nepal? [Paper presentation]. Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Madison, WI, United States. 2008
Presentations Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L. (2011, January 20) . Migrants and Their Values: How are They Different and how do They Change? [Paper presentation]. INTEGRATION: Institutional and Life-Course Perspectives on Migration, University of Breme 2011
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L. C., & Moaddel, M. (2010). Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans. In?M. Kamrava and Z. Babar (Eds.), Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf (pp. 2010
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., & Young-DeMarco, L. C. (2014). Migrant Values and Beliefs: How Are They Different and How Do They Change? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(5), 796?813. 2014
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., O?Brien, M. L., & Yao, X. (2021). How Armed Conflict Influences Migration. Population and Development Review, 47(3), 781?811. 2021
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., O?brien, M. L., & Yao, X. (2017). Using Survey Data for Agent-Based Modeling: Design and Challenges in a Model of Armed Conflict and Population Change. In A. Grow and J. V. Bavel (Eds.), Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concep 2017
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Hughes, C., Bhandari, P., Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L., Sun, C., & Swindle, J. (2020). When Does Social Capital Matter for Migration? A Study of Networks, Brokers, and Migrants in Nepal. International Migration Review, 54(4), 964?991. 2020
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Ghimire, D., & Snedker, K. A. (2018). Fear of violence during armed conflict: Social roles and responsibilities as determinants of fear. Social Science Research, 71, 145?159. 2018
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Ghimire, D. J., Axinn, W. G., Jennings, E. A., & Pradhan, M. S. (2012). A Micro-Level Event-Centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses. Demography, 49(4), 1521?1546. 2012