Publication Type Publication Link Year
Book and Book Chapter Hermosilla, S., Treleaven, E., & Ghimire, D. J. (2022). Migration and Health in Nepal. In S. Galea, C. K. Ettman, and M. H. Zaman (Eds.), Migration and Health (chapter 32). The University of Chicago Press. 2022
Book and Book Chapter Bhandari, P. (2020). Productive vs. Consumptive Uses of Remittances by Households: Evidence from Chitwan Valley of Nepal. In S. I. Rajan (Ed.), South Asia Migration Report 2020: Exploitation, Entrepreneurship and Engagement (1st ed., pp. 58-84). Routledge 2020
Book and Book Chapter Dangol, D. R. & P. Pradhan (Eds.). (2021). Jeebbigyan ra Batawaran (Trans. Biology and Environment). Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal. 2021
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., & Ghimire, D. J. (2018). Mixed Methods in a Comparative Context: Technology and New Opportunities for Social Science Research. In T. P. Johnson, B. E. Pennell, I. A. L. Stoop, & B. Dorer (Eds.), Advances in Comparative Survey Methods (pp. 2018
Book and Book Chapter McKendry-Smith, E. (2017). Enjoy the Heat of a Log, and Heed the Advice of the Elders: Religious, Educational, and Neighborhood Determinants of Parental Influence on Spousal Choice in Nepal. In C. L. Scott & S. L. Blair (Eds.), Intimate Relationships and 2017
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., O?brien, M. L., & Yao, X. (2017). Using Survey Data for Agent-Based Modeling: Design and Challenges in a Model of Armed Conflict and Population Change. In A. Grow and J. V. Bavel (Eds.), Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concep 2017
Book and Book Chapter Mneimneh, Z. N., Axinn, W. G., Ghimire, D. J., Cibelli, K. L., & Alkaisy, M. S. (2014). Conducting surveys in areas of armed conflict. In R. Tourangeau, B. Edwards, T. P. Johnson, K. M. Wolter, and N. Bates (Eds.), Hard- to-Survey Populations (pp. 134-156 2014
Book and Book Chapter Bohra-Mishra, P., & Massey, D. (2011). Environmental Degradation and Out-Migration: Evidence from Nepal. In E. Piguet, A. P?coud and P. de Guchteneire (Eds.), Migration and Climate Change (pp. 74-101).Cambridge University Press. 2011
Book and Book Chapter Thornton, A., Binstock, G., & Ghimire, D.J. (2008). International Dissemination of Ideas about Development and Family Change. In R. Jayakody, A. Thornton, and W. G. Axinn (Eds.), International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives (1st ed., pp. 19-44). R 2008
Book and Book Chapter Axinn, W. G., Ghimire, D. J., & Barber, J. S. (2007). The Influence of Ideational Dimensions of Social Change on Family Formation in Nepal. In R. Jayakody, A. Thornton and W. G. Axinn (Eds.), International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives (1st ed., 2007