Publication Type Publication Link Year
Dissertation Pearce, L. D. (2000). The Multidimensional Impact of Religion on Childbearing Preferences and Behavior in Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University. 2000
Presentations Axinn, W. G., Barber, J. S., & Biddlecom, A. E. (2000, March 23-25). Social Change, Household Size and Environmental Consumption [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA, United States. 2000
Journal Articles Barber, J. S., Murphy, S. A., Axinn, W. G., & Maples, J. (2000). Discrete-Time Multilevel Hazard Analysis. Sociological Methodology, 30(1), 201?235. 2000
Journal Articles Stephen A. Matthews, Ganesh P. Shiv. (2000). Population Forces and Environmental Change: Observations from Western Chitwan, Nepal. Society & Natural Resources, 13(8), 763?775. 2000
Report to Respondent Respondent Report 2057 2000
Annual Report Annual Report 1998 and 1999 1999
Presentations Gajurel, K. (1999). Women and Family Size Norm: Do Women\'s Participation in Non-formal Institutions Limit Desire for Children? [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New York, NY, United States. 1999
Presentations Barber, J. S. (1999, March 27-29). Ideational Influences on the Transition to Parenthood: Attitudes Toward Childbearing and Competing Alternatives [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, , New York, NY, United State 1999
Presentations Barber, J. S. (1999, August 6-10). Communities and Attitudes: The Influence of Nonfamily Institutions and Experiences on Dispositions Toward Marriage [Paper presentation]. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Associations, Chicago, IL, United Stat 1999
Presentations Axinn, W. G., & Barber, J. S. (1999, March 27-29). The Spread of Mass Education and Fertility Limitation [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY, United States. 1999