Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Cole, F., Benjet, C., Ghimire, D. J., & Axinn, W. G. (2021). Predictors of transitions across stages of alcohol use and disorders in an adult population with heterogeneous ethnic restrictions regarding drinking. Addiction, 116(4), 809?818. 2021
Journal Articles Axinn, W. G., & Chardoul, S. (2021). Improving reports of health risks: Life history calendars and measurement of potentially traumatic experiences. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30(1). 2021
Journal Articles Tiwana, J., Benziger, C., Hooper, L., Pope, K., Alurkar, V., Kafle, R., Sijali, T. R., Balmes, J. R., Kaufman, J. D., & Bates, M. N. (2020). Biomass Fuel Use and Cardiac Function in Nepali Women. Global Heart, 15(1), 11. 2020
Journal Articles Benjet, C., Axinn, W. G., Hermosilla, S., Schulz, P., Cole, F., Sampson, L., & Ghimire, D. (2020). Exposure to Armed Conflict in Childhood vs Older Ages and Subsequent Onset of Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Network Open, 3(11), e2019848. 2020
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Hughes, C., Bhandari, P., Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L., Sun, C., & Swindle, J. (2020). When Does Social Capital Matter for Migration? A Study of Networks, Brokers, and Migrants in Nepal. International Migration Review, 54(4), 964?991. 2020
Journal Articles Scott, K. M., Zhang, Y., Chardoul, S., Ghimire, D. J., Smoller, J. W., & Axinn, W. G. (2021). Resilience to mental disorders in a low-income, non-Westernized setting. Psychological Medicine, 51(16), 2825?2834. 2021
Journal Articles Pokhrel, K. P., Sharaf, T., Bhandari, P., & Ghimire, D. (2020). Farm Exit Among Smallholder Farmers of Nepal: A Bayesian Logistic Regression Models Approach. Agricultural Research, 9(4), 675?683. 2020
Journal Articles Devkota, H. R., Sijali, T. R., Harris, C., Ghimire, D. J., Prata, N., & Bates, M. N. (2020). Bio-mechanical risk factors for uterine prolapse among women living in the hills of west Nepal: A case-control study. Women?s Health, 16, 174550651989517. 2020
Journal Articles Brauner-Otto, S. R., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2020). Parents? Marital Quality and Children?s Transition to Adulthood. Demography, 57(1), 195?220. 2020
Journal Articles Axinn, W. G., Zhang, Y., Ghimire, D. J., Chardoul, S. A., Scott, K. M., & Bruffaerts, R. (2020). The association between marital transitions and the onset of major depressive disorder in a south asian general population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 26 2020