Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Sullivan, A., York, A. M., An, L., Yabiku, S. T., & Hall, S. J. (2017). How does perception at multiple levels influence collective action in the commons? The case of Mikania micrantha in Chitwan, Nepal. Forest Policy and Economics, 80, 1?10. 2017
Journal Articles Jennings, E. A. (2017). Family composition and marital dissolution in rural Nepal, 1945?2008. Population Studies, 71(2), 229?248. 2017
Journal Articles Pearlman, J., Pearce, L. D., Ghimire, D. J., Bhandari, P., & Hargrove, T. (2017). Postmarital Living Arrangements in Historically Patrilocal Settings: Integrating Household Fission and Migration Perspectives. Demography, 54(4), 1425?1449. 2017
Journal Articles Brauner-Otto, S. R., & Axinn, W. G. (2017). Natural resource collection and desired family size: A longitudinal test of environment-population theories. Population and Environment, 38(4), 381?406. 2017
Journal Articles Yabiku, S., Glick, J., Wentz, E., Ghimire, D., & Zhao, Q. (2017). Comparing Paper and Tablet Modes of Retrospective Activity Space Data Collection. Survey Research Methods, 11, 329-344. 2017
Journal Articles Bhandari, P., & Chaudhary, I. (2017). A calendar method of collecting remittance use data in a remittance dependent setting of Nepal. Migration and Development, 6(2), 177?197. 2017
Journal Articles Allendorf, K. (2017). Conflict and Compatibility? Developmental Idealism and Gendered Differences in Marital Choice: Developmental Idealism and Gendered Differences in Marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(2), 337?355 2017
Journal Articles Ghimire, D. J. (2017). Social context of first birth timing in a rapidly changing rural setting. Social Science Research, 61, 314?329. 2017
Journal Articles Marchiori, L., Maystadt, J.-F., & Schumacher, I. (2017). Is environmentally induced income variability a driver of human migration? Migration and Development, 6(1), 33?59. 2017
Journal Articles Smith-Greenaway, E., Brauner-Otto, S., & Axinn, W. (2018). Offspring education and parental mortality: Evidence from South Asia. Social Science Research, 76, 157?168. 2018