Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., & Mitchell, C. (2012). The measurement and prevalence of an ideational model of family and economic development in Nepal. Population Studies, 66(3), 329?345. 2012
Presentations Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Mitchell, C. (2006, June 21-24). The Measurement and Prevalence of Developmental Thinking about the Family: Evidence from Nepal [Paper presentation]. The European Population Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2006
Presentations Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L., & Bhandari, P. B. (2013, April 11-13). The Reliability and Stability of Measures about People?s Values and Beliefs concerning Family Life and Social Change [Paper presentation]. Population Association of Am 2013
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Ghimire, D., Young-DeMarco, L., & Bhandari, P. (2019). The Reliability and Stability of Measures of Individuals? Values and Beliefs Concerning Developmental Idealism in Nepal. Sociology of Development, 5(3), 314?336. 2019
Presentations Thornton, A., Ghimire, D.J., & Mitchell, C. (2005, March 31-April 2). The Measurement and Prevalence of Developmental Thinking about the Family: Evidence from Nepal [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Philadelphi 2005
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Swindle, J., Bhandari, P., Young-DeMarco, L., Williams, N., & Hughes, C. (2022). Developmental idealism and migration: Theorizing their relationship and an empirical example from Nepal. Migration and Development, 11(3), 818?851. 2022
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Williams, N. E., Bhandari, P., Young-DeMarco, L., Sun, C., Swindle, J., Hughes, C., & Xie, Y. (2019). Influences of Material Aspirations on Migration. Demography, 56(1), 75?102. 2019
Presentations Thornton, A., Young-DeMarco, L., & Ghimire, D. J. (2013, August 26-31) Views of the Interrelationships of the Dimensions of Developmental Idealism and Family Life: Evidence from Nepal [Paper presentation]. International Union for the Scientific Study of P 2013
Journal Articles Tiwana, J., Benziger, C., Hooper, L., Pope, K., Alurkar, V., Kafle, R., Sijali, T. R., Balmes, J. R., Kaufman, J. D., & Bates, M. N. (2020). Biomass Fuel Use and Cardiac Function in Nepali Women. Global Heart, 15(1), 11. 2020
Presentations Treleaven, E., & Ghimire, D. J. (2022, April 6-9). Children?s Risk of Parental Migration: Identifying Timing and Selection Factors of Being Left Behind in a Migrant-Sending Population [Poster presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting 2022