Publication Type Publication Link Year
Book and Book Chapter Hermosilla, S., Treleaven, E., & Ghimire, D. J. (2022). Migration and Health in Nepal. In S. Galea, C. K. Ettman, and M. H. Zaman (Eds.), Migration and Health (chapter 32). The University of Chicago Press. 2022
Book and Book Chapter Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L. C., & Moaddel, M. (2010). Nepali Migrants to the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Values, Behaviors, and Plans. In?M. Kamrava and Z. Babar (Eds.), Migrant Labour in the Persian Gulf (pp. 2010
Book and Book Chapter Thornton, A., Achen, A., Barber, J. S., Binstock, G., Garrison, W. M., Ghimire, D. J., Inglehart, R., Jayakody, R., Jiang, Y., De Jong, J., King, K., Lesthaeghe, R. J., Mehanna, S., Mitchell, C., Moaddel, M., Ofstedal, M. B., Schwarz, N., Wang, G., Xie, Y 2010
Book and Book Chapter Axinn, W. G., Scott, K. M., & Chardoul, S. A. (2016). Demography of Mental Health. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2nd ed., pp. 18-25). Academic Press. 2016
Book and Book Chapter Ghimire, D. J., Axinn, W. G., Gatny, H., & Chardoul, S. (2017). Preparing a culturally appropriate translation of a survey questionnaire. In?Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2. SAGE Publications Ltd. 2017
Book and Book Chapter Dangol, D. R. (2022). Sthaniya Anwesan: Ke Sikaune ra Kasari Sikaune? (Trans. Local Innovation: What to Teach and How to Teach?). Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal. 2022
Book and Book Chapter Axinn, W. G., & Shivakoti, G. P. (1997). Demographic Issues and the Use of Natural Resources. In?Shivakoti et. al. (Eds.) People, Participation, and Sustainable Development: Understanding the Dynamics of Natural Resource Systems (Pp. 83-85). Bloomington, 1997
Book and Book Chapter Schaffner, J., Sharma, U., & Glewwe, P. (2024). Federalism in Nepal: Early Implications for School Governance. In T. Saeed, R. Iyengar, M. A. Witenstein, & E. J. Byker (Eds.), Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia (pp. 123–149). Springer International Publishing. 2024
Journal Articles Axinn, W. G., Barber, J. S., & Ghimire, D. J. (1997). The Neighborhood History Calendar: A Data Collection Method Designed for Dynamic Multilevel Modeling. Sociological Methodology, 27(1), 355?392. 1997
Journal Articles Barber, J. S., Shivakoti, G. P., Axinn, W. G., Gajurel, K. (1997). Sampling Strategies for Rural Settings: A Detailed Example from Chitwan Valley Family Study, Nepal. Nepal Population Journal, 6(5), 193-203. 1997