Publication Type Publication Link Year
Presentations Glick, J., Miller, S., Alcaraz, M., & Ghimire, D. J. (2019, April 10-13). Educational Aspirations and Migration: A Comparative Approach [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, United States. 2019
Presentations Yabiku, S., Glick, J., Ghimire, D. J., Levchenko, J., & Newmyer, L. (2019, April 10-13). Labor Migration and Children?s School Quality [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, United States. 2019
Presentations Cole, F., Ghimire, D. J., Hermosilla, S., & Benjet, C. (2020, October 16). Alcohol Use and Ethnicity in the Chitwan Valley Family Study: An Introduction to the Nepal Mental Health Data Collection[Paper presentation]. Smoller Lab Meeting, Smoller Lab, Psyc 2020
Presentations Axee, E. A., Hayford, S. & Ghimire, D. J. (2021, May 5-8). Family Migration Context and Children's Marriage Choice in Settings With Changing Marriage Systems [Virtual poster presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, St Louis, MO, Un 2021
Presentations Ghimire, D. J., Anshumali, A., Treleaven, E., Hermosilla, S. (2021, May 5-8). International Out-Migration and the Health of Left-Behind Adolescents in Nepal [Virtual poster presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, St Louis, MO, Uni 2021
Presentations Askari, M. S., Ghimire, D. J., Treleaven, E., & Hermosilla, S. (2021, September 3). COVID-19 Worries and Mitigation Behaviors in Nepal, February to April 2021[Virtual paper presentation]. International Epidemiological Association?s World Congress of Epide 2021
Presentations Askari, M. S., Marks, T., & Hermosilla, S. (2021, June 24). Access to Community Services and Psychiatric Disorders among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Nepal Chitwan Valley Family Study, 2016-2018 [Virtual paper presentation]. Society for Epidemiolog 2021
Presentations Hermosilla, S., Askari, M. S., & Marks, T. (2021, June). Predictors of Any Mental Health Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Nepal Chitwan Valley Family Study, 2016-2018 [Virtual paper presentation]. Society fo 2021
Presentations Hermosilla, S., Choi, K. W., Askari, M. S., & Marks, T. (2021, June). Polytrauma Typologies: Exploring General Population and Trauma-Exposed Population Profiles [Virtual poster presentation]. Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) 2021 Annual Conference 2021
Presentations Ghimire, D. J., & Allendorf, K. (2022, April 6-9). Social Change, Courtship Processes, and Marital Quality in a Non-Western Setting [Poster presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States. 2022