Publication Type Publication Link Year
Dissertation Gajurel, K. P. (2001). Organization of Agricultural Production and Human Fertility [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University. 2001
Dissertation Yabiku, S. (2002). Marriage Timing and Social Change in Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. 2002
Dissertation Ghimire, D. J. (2003). The Social Context of First Birth Timing in Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan. 2003
Dissertation Dhital, P. (2004). Household Human and Social Capital and School Enrollment in Chitwan, Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The Pennsylvania State University. 2004
Dissertation Bhandari, P. (2006). Technology Use in Agriculture and Occupational Mobility of Farm Households in Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology and The Population Research Institute, The Pennsylvania 2006
Dissertation Pradhan, P. (2006). Documentation of Ethno-botanical Knowledge of Bote Community of Chitwan [Unpublished master?s thesis]. Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuban University. 2006
Dissertation Sutherland, E. (2006). The Effects of Women?s Status, Natural Resource Responsibility, and Family Planning Services on Contraceptive Behavior in a Rural Agrarian Setting in Nepal [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Public Health, The Univer 2006
Dissertation Brauner-Otto, S. R. (2007).?Health Services, Schools, Attitudes, and Contraceptive Use: Tests of a Theoretical Model Among Rural Nepalese?[Doctoral dissertaion, The University of Michigan]. 2007
Dissertation Mitchell, C. M. (2009).?Three Essays on Worldviews, Autonomy and the Family in Nepal [Doctoral dissertation, Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan]. 2009
Dissertation Williams, N. E. (2009).?Living with Conflict: The Effect of Community Organizations, Economic Assets, and Mass Media Consumption on Migration During Armed Conflict [Doctoral dissertation, Department of Sociology, The University of Michigan] 2009