Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2014). Analyzing Human?Landscape Interactions: Tools That Integrate. Environmental Management, 53(1), 94?111. 2014
Presentations Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2012, April 9). Exploring feedbacks between demography, land-use, and landcover in a CHANS in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. Special NASA-MSU Symposium on "Disentangling Diverse Drivers and Complex Dynamics of Coupl 2012
Presentations Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2011). Remote Sensing of Aboveground Woody Biomass Resources in the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. 2011 US-IALE Symposium, April, Portland, OR, United States. 2011
Presentations Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2011, March 5). The ChitwanABM: Modeling Population-Environment Interactions and their Implications in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. SDSU 2011 Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA, United States. 2011
Presentations Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2011, February). Modeling Human-Environment Interactions and their Ecological Implications in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. 2011 AAAS Conference, Washington D.C., United States. 2011
Dissertation Zvoleff, A. (2013). Understanding the Dynamics of Changing Land-use and Land-cover, Population, and Climate in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal. 2013
Presentations Zvoleff, A. (2009). Impacts of Climate Change in the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. US-IALE Symposium, United States. 2009
Presentations Zvoleff, A. (2009). Impacts of climate change in the western Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation] 2009 US-IALE Symposium, Snowbird, Utah 2009
Presentations Zvoleff, A. (2009). An Agent-Based Model for the Western Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. SDSU Student Research Symposium, United States. 2009
Journal Articles Zhang, Y., & Axinn, W. G. (2021). Marital Experiences and Depression in an Arranged Marriage Setting. American Journal of Sociology, 126(6), 1439?1486. 2021