Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Allendorf, K., Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., Young-DeMarco, L., & Mitchell, C. (2021). A Good Age to Marry? An Intergenerational Model of the Influence of Timing Attitudes on Entrance into Marriage. European Journal of Population, 37(1), 179?209. 2021
Journal Articles Allendorf, K., Thornton, A., Mitchell, C., & Young-DeMarco, L. (2019). The Influence of Developmental Idealism on Marital Attitudes, Expectations, and Timing. Journal of Family Issues, 40(17), 2359?2388. 2019
Journal Articles Allendorf, K., Thornton, A., Mitchell, C., Young-DeMarco, L., & Ghimire, D. J. (2017). Early Women, Late Men: Timing Attitudes and Gender Differences in Marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(5), 1478?1496. 2017
Journal Articles An, L., Bohnett, E., Battle, C., Dai, J., Lewison, R., Jankowski, P., Carter, N., Ghimire, D., Dhakal, M., Karki, J., & Zvoleff, A. (2021). Sex-Specific Habitat Suitability Modeling for Panthera tigris in Chitwan National Park, Nepal: Broader Conservation 2021
Journal Articles An, L., Zvoleff, A., Liu, J., & Axinn, W. (2014). Agent-Based Modeling in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Lessons from a Comparative Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4), 723?745. 2014
Annual Report Annual Report 1995 1995
Annual Report Annual Report 1996 1996
Annual Report Annual Report 1997 1997
Annual Report Annual Report 1998 and 1999 1999
Annual Report Annual Report 2000 and 2002 2002