Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Link, C. F., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2012). Household energy consumption: Community context and the fuelwood transition. Social Science Research, 41(3), 598?611. 2012
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Ghimire, D. J., & Mitchell, C. (2012). The measurement and prevalence of an ideational model of family and economic development in Nepal. Population Studies, 66(3), 329?345. 2012
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Binstock, G., Yount, K. M., Abbasi-Shavazi, M. J., Ghimire, D., & Xie, Y. (2012). International Fertility Change: New Data and Insights From the Developmental Idealism Framework. Demography, 49(2), 677?698. 2012
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Ghimire, D. J., Axinn, W. G., Jennings, E. A., & Pradhan, M. S. (2012). A Micro-Level Event-Centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses. Demography, 49(4), 1521?1546. 2012
Journal Articles Thornton, A., Binstock, G., Abbasi-Shavazi, M. J., Ghimire, D., Gjonca, A., Melegh, A., Mitchell, C., Moaddel, M., Xie, Y., Yang, L., Young-DeMarco, L., & Yount, K. M. (2012). Knowledge and beliefs about national development and developmental hierarchies: 2012
Journal Articles Gatny, H. H., & Axinn, W. G. (2012). Willingness to Participate in Research during Pregnancy: Race, Experience, and Motivation. Field Methods, 24(2), 135?154. 2012
Journal Articles Wagner, J., West, B. T., Kirgis, N., Lepkowski, J. M., Axinn, W. G., & Ndiaye, S. K. (2012). Use of Paradata in a Responsive Design Framework to Manage a Field Data Collection. Journal of Of?cial Statistics, 28(4), 477-499 2012
Presentations Zvoleff, A., & An. L. (2012, April 8-12). Exploring Feedbacks between Demography, Land-use, and Land-cover in a CHANS in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal [Paper presentation]. US-IALE Symposium, Newport, RI, United States. 2012
Presentations Carter, N. C., Shortridge, A., Riley, S. J., & Shrestha, B. (2012, February 24-28). Using Geospatial Models to Map Local Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions towards a Conflict-prone Predator [Paper presentation]. American Association for Geographers Meeti 2012
Presentations Subedi, I. (2012, May 3-5). Changing Marital and Migration Patterns among Young Adults in Nepal : Opportunity to Examine Effects of Migration on Marriage Poster presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United Sta 2012