Publication Type Publication Link Year
Presentations Ghimire, D. J., Compernolle, E., & Axinn, W. G. (2015, April 30-May 2). Intergenerational influences on children?s marriage timing [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meetings, San Diego Bayfront, CA, United States. 2015
Book and Book Chapter Mneimneh, Z. N., Axinn, W. G., Ghimire, D. J., Cibelli, K. L., & Alkaisy, M. S. (2014). Conducting surveys in areas of armed conflict. In R. Tourangeau, B. Edwards, T. P. Johnson, K. M. Wolter, and N. Bates (Eds.), Hard- to-Survey Populations (pp. 134-156 2014
Journal Articles An, L., Zvoleff, A., Liu, J., & Axinn, W. (2014). Agent-Based Modeling in Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Lessons from a Comparative Analysis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4), 723?745. 2014
Journal Articles Carter, N. H., Riley, S. J., Shortridge, A., Shrestha, B. K., & Liu, J. (2014). Spatial Assessment of Attitudes Toward Tigers in Nepal. AMBIO, 43(2), 125?137. 2014
Journal Articles Jennings, E. (2014). Marital Discord and Subsequent Dissolution: Perceptions of Nepalese Wives and Husbands: Marital Discord and Subsequent Dissolution. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(3), 476?488. 2014
Journal Articles Williams, N. E., Thornton, A., & Young-DeMarco, L. C. (2014). Migrant Values and Beliefs: How Are They Different and How Do They Change? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(5), 796?813. 2014
Journal Articles Yarger, J., & Brauner-Otto, S. R. (2014). Non-family experience and receipt of personal care in Nepal. Ageing and Society, 34(1), 106?128. 2014
Journal Articles Brauner-Otto, S. R. (2014). Environmental quality and fertility: The effects of plant density, species richness, and plant diversity on fertility limitation. Population and Environment, 36(1), 1?31. 2014
Journal Articles Carter, N. H., Vi?a, A., Hull, V., McConnell, W. J., Axinn, W., Ghimire, D., & Liu, J. (2014). Coupled human and natural systems approach to wildlife research and conservation. Ecology and Society, 19(3), art43. 2014
Journal Articles Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2014). Analyzing Human?Landscape Interactions: Tools That Integrate. Environmental Management, 53(1), 94?111. 2014