Publication Type Publication Link Year
Presentations Brauner-Otto, S. R. (2007). Health Services, Childbearing Beliefs, and Sterilization [Paper presentation]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, United States. 2007
Journal Articles Brauner-Otto, S. R., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2007). The Spread of Health Services and Fertility Transition. Demography, 44(4), 747?770. 2007
Journal Articles Shrestha, S. S., & Bhandari, P. (2007). Environmental security and labor migration in Nepal. Population and Environment, 29(1), 25?38. 2007
Journal Articles Ghimire, D. J., & Hoelter, L. F. (2007). Land use and first birth timing in an agricultural setting. Population and Environment, 28(6), 289?320. 2007
Journal Articles Bhandari, P., Shrestha, S. S., & Ghimire, D. J. (2007). Sociocultural and geographical disparities in child immunization in Nepal. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 22(1), 43?64. 2007
Other Publications Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2007). Social Organization, Population, and Land Use. PSC Research Report No. 07-617. 2007
Other Publications Axinn, W. G., Barber, J. S., & Biddlecom, A. E. (2007). Social Organization and the Transition from Direct to Indirect Consumption. PSC Research Report No. 07-618. 2007
Other Publications Massey, D. S., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2007). Environmental Change and Out-Migration: Evidence from Nepal. PSC Research Report No. 07-615. 2007
Other Publications Dangol, D. R. (2007). Human Impact on Plant Resources: Evidences from western Chitwan, Nepal. Nepal Travel Trade Reporter (December 17-30, 2007), 10 (43): 44-45. 2007
Other Publications Dangol, D. R. (2007). Gandhemaya Nahos Batabaran. The Gorkhapatra, Chaitra 9, 2064, Page A. 2007