Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Barber, J. S. (2004). Community Social Context and Individualistic Attitudes Toward Marriage. Social Psychology Quarterly, 67(3), 236?256. 2004
Journal Articles Barber, J. S., & Axinn, W. G. (2004). New ideas and fertility limitation: The role of mass media. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(5), 1180?1200. 2004
Journal Articles Barber, J. S., Murphy, S. A., & Verbitsky, N. (2004). Adjusting for Time-Varying Confounding in Survival Analysis. Sociological Methodology, 34(1), 163?192. 2004
Journal Articles Hoelter, L. F., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2004). Social change, premarital nonfamily experiences, and marital dynamics. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(5), 1131?1151. 2004
Journal Articles Yabiku, S. T. (2004). Marriage Timing in Nepal: Organizational Effects and Individual Mechanisms. Social Forces, 83(2), 559?586. 2004
Other Publications Adhikari, B. (2004). Paschim Chitwan ma Swasthya Sewako Bikash. Chitwan Mahotsab Smarika-2061. Udyog Vanijya Sangha, Narayangarh, Chitwan. 2004
Presentations Shrestha, S. S., & Bhandari, P. (2005, July 18-23). Environmental Security and Labor Migration in Nepal [Paper presentation]. XXV International Population Conference of the IUSSP, Tours, France. 2005
Presentations Ghimire, D. J. (2005, September 23-25). The Family Change in Nepal [Paper presentation]. The plenary session on Nepal: Contemporary Development Issues and Challenges, 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, East Lansing, MI, United 2005
Presentations Thornton, A., Ghimire, D.J., & Mitchell, C. (2005, March 31-April 2). The Measurement and Prevalence of Developmental Thinking about the Family: Evidence from Nepal [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Philadelphi 2005
Journal Articles Biddlecom, A. E., Axinn, W. G., & Barber, J. S. (2005). Environmental Effects on Family Size Preferences and Subsequent Reproductive Behavior in Nepal. Population and Environment, 26(3), 583?621. 2005