Publication Type Publication Link Year
Journal Articles Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2014). Analyzing Human?Landscape Interactions: Tools That Integrate. Environmental Management, 53(1), 94?111. 2014
Journal Articles Zvoleff, A., & An, L. (2014). The effect of reciprocal connections between demographic decision making and land use on decadal dynamics of population and land-use change. Ecology and Society, 19(2), art31. 2014
Journal Articles Axinn, W. G., Ghimire, D. J., Williams, N. E., & Scott, K. M. (2015). Associations between the social organization of communities and psychiatric disorders in rural Asia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(10), 1537?1545. 2015
Journal Articles Axinn, W. G. (2015). Demographic Change: The Case of Chitwan Valley in Nepal. International Journal of Sociology, 45(1), 1?3. 2015
Journal Articles Compernolle, E. (2015). Changing Attitudes toward Care of Aging Parents: The Influence of Education, International Travel, and Gender. International Journal of Sociology, 45(1), 64?83. 2015
Journal Articles Ghimire, D. (2015). Wives? and Husbands? Nonfamily Experiences and First-Birth Timing. International Journal of Sociology, 45(1), 4?23. 2015
Journal Articles Ghimire, D. J., Axinn, W. G., & Smith-Greenaway, E. (2015). Impact of the spread of mass education on married women?s experience with domestic violence. Social Science Research, 54, 319?331. 2015
Journal Articles West, B. T. (2015). Evaluating a Modular Design Approach to Collecting Survey Data Using Text Messages.?Survey Research Methods, 9(2), 111-123. 2015
Journal Articles Pearce, L. D., Brauner-Otto, S. R., & Ji, Y. (2015). Explaining religious differentials in family-size preference: Evidence from Nepal in 1996. Population Studies, 69(1), 23?37. 2015
Journal Articles Allendorf, K., & Thornton, A. (2015). Caste and Choice: The Influence of Developmental Idealism on Marriage Behavior. American Journal of Sociology, 121(1), 243?287. 2015