October 30, 2018

meeting was held on October 30, 2018, with newly appointed local government officials from the Education Development and Coordination Unit (EDCU). Chief – Under Secretary, Mr. Dipendra Subedi; Head of the Department, Bharatpur Metropolitan City – Under Secretary, Mr. Bhumilal Sharma Subedi; other officers/school inspectors from EDCU and Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Chitwan; and officers from ISER-N were present in the meeting. The Principal Investigator, Prof. Dr. Dirgha J. Ghimire informed the officials about the aims and objectives of the study and the proposed plan for data collection. Prof. Dr. Ghimire also discussed and asked for suggestions about the possibilities of incorporating the study tool and future results at the local and national policy levels. Finally, Prof. Dr. Ghimire requested support for student assessment, school and classroom observation, and other data collection at the local level. There was consensus among all about the necessity of this type of research in our context and the government officials also agreed to support in every way possible for successful study.