November 25, 2013

ISER-N is pleased to announce a short-term course on Survey Data Analysis Techniques from May 11-15, 2015. We are organizing this training in collaboration with the Population Studies Center (PSC) of the University of Michigan, USA.

The short course on Survey Data Analysis Techniques is designed to provide hands-on practical skills on the state-of-the-art of survey data analysis techniques using commonly available computer software. This course will focus on survey data and data quality; types of research questions that can be answered using the survey data; and appropriate data analysis techniques. The intensive hands-on exercises will extensively use large scale real world survey data and provide practical skills to generate statistical outputs and interpretation of the results (with examples from peer-reviewed scientific articles published in world class scientific journals). Finally, this course will also cover an overview of research ethics and the publication process in peer-reviewed journals.

This course will be jointly offered by the resource persons of the University of Michigan (Dr. Dirgha Ghimire, Dr. Prem Bhandari) and ISER-N (Mr. Bishnu Adhikari).

For other details, please see;

Training Announcement and Registration

Application Form

ISER-N Training Brochure

ISER-N Brochure