Nepal is at a critical juncture in the political, social and economic context of the nation’s history. Human resource and research infrastructure capacity building in this context has never been as crucial and urgent as it is now. Thus, ISER-N puts particular emphasis to capacity building within all three components of research, policy feedback and program interventions.

Our capacity building programs include the development of both human resources and research infrastructures at the institutional as well as national level. Specific aims of our human resources development and research infrastructure building programs are:


Development of Human Resources

The goal of Human Resource Development Program is to enhance and update knowledge and skills on state-of-the-art research methods and techniques as well as on issues relevant to local community capacity building. Specific focus is on :

Scientific Research Capacity: Nurture and build local capacity for high quality scientific research by updating knowledge and skills on state-of-the-art research methods and techniques. In addition, ISER-N aims to provide on-site research experience and to facilitate exchange of knowledge and expertise of national and international scholars. The dissemination and sharing of data with potential users is an important element of the human resource capacity building aim, especially for Nepali scholars. Another crucial element is the development of strong ties between institutions in Nepal and abroad for collaborative research and capacity building.

Policy Feedback Capacity: Build local capacity for analysis of research findings to provide evidence-based policy feedback for government and non-governmental organizations at the local and national levels.

Community Capacity: Strengthen local community capacity to identify, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate sustainable development initiatives based on program priorities identified by ISER-N and informed by research findings.


Research Infrastructure Building

We also strive to establish and strengthen the necessary infrastructure for conducting and managing high quality social and environmental research for developing and maintaining appropriate human resource pool, and for carrying out effective policy advocacy and sustainable intervention programs. Our specific aims are to:

Research Infrastructure: Establish physical and technical research infrastructure including social and environmental data collection facilities including GIS labs, telephone and computer based survey labs, computing facilities that will support state-of-the-art research in the context of rapid changes in the technology and research methods.

Data Archival and Data Analysis Infrastructure: Develop and maintain the appropriate and high tech hardware infrastructure necessary to archive data collected by ISER-N and other institutions in Nepal, as well as to maintain computing facilities to encourage analysis of data.