ISER-N adopts a three-pronged approach that interlinks research, capacity building, and policy feedback and program interventions as part of our effort to turn knowledge into practice. These components reinforce each other through an integrated program of research, policy analysis, strategic communications, evidence-based decision making, and capacity building. Knowledge generated through high quality research is imperative to identify emerging challenges, and catalyze analytical discourse for informed policy decisions and actions. On the other hand, well trained human resources are crucial to launching important scientific endeavors. The schematic diagram below represents the manner in which the three key program components are interlinked.



  • ISER-N programs are based on social importance and educational utility.
  • ISER-N places high values on individual confidentiality and rights to privacy; and strictly adheres to highest possible standards in every research steps.
  • Findings from ISER-N studies are available to public, policy makers, research scholars and students through various outlets, such as reports to respondents, newspapers, conference presentations, book and book chapters, and research articles for teaching and research purposes.
  • ISER-N program focus on advocacy and awareness of research based policy formulation; empowerment of women, ethnic minorities and under privileged groups; human rights, child rights, gender and social equality.
  • ISER-N does not collaborate with surreptitious individuals and work-for-profit organizations.